Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Alaskan / Canadian Photo Safari - Day Fifteen

Majestic Male Orca of the resident A36 pod

Twin Peaks

You forgot the chips, Dear 

Finally found the resident Orca pods in the Johnstone Strait.  This year, the Orca number is smaller for some inexplicable reason. The salmon run looks good, plenty of jumping fish but the Killer whales are not here in big numbers. And when we do come across them, they look lethargic and devoid of play.

I have been photographing two resident pods, the A11 and A36. The photo (Twin Peaks) are the two big male Orcas of the A36 pod. They are brothers and are about mid thirties in age. Their six foot dorsal fins have very unique patches of gray mixed into the black color. A11 has at least 3 females and 1 calf but the remainder of the pods are no where to be found. Heard from the other boat captains the transient Orcas did come into the BC waters but I have missed seeing them so far. Also came across the odd Humpbacks now and then. I am told the Humpbacks are making their presence known more often and that is a good sign of the richness of the seas here.

The Bald Eagles are present in small numbers but they do make themselves known by their white heads against the background of the green trees. This part of British Columbia has very similar landscape to SE Alaska with many small islands and mountains topped with verdant trees. Unfortunately, logging is much more active here than in SE Alaska and bare spots are seen in almost every island and it really spoils the otherwise superb scenery. Weather is getting to be very nice. Sunny mild days with blue and intermittent cloudy skies. Will be going out again to find more Orcas and wildlife.


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