Friday, January 11, 2013

Canon First Among Japanese Companies In Patents

For the eighth year in a row, Canon ranks first among Japanese companies in terms of patents filed in the USA. In 2005, Canon filed 1,825 patents (2nd in the world). And the patent filings continue to grow till the end of 2012, when Canon was awarded 3,174 patents.  It is important to note not all patents turn into a product or product improvement. In fact, most patents end up nowhere other than protecting the company's intellectual property rights but it does show Canon is committed to heavy R&D to keep their technology one step ahead of the competition.

Canon Japan's patent ranking among Japanese companies from 2005 – 2012

Year         Ranking    Patents

2012         1st (3rd)     3,174
2011         1st (3rd)     2,813
2010         1st (4th)     2,551
2009         1st (4th)     2,200
2008         1st (3rd)     2,107
2007         1st (3rd)     1,983
2006         1st (3rd)     2,367
2005         1st (2nd)     1,828

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