Thursday, August 8, 2013

Wildlife Photography - Bears and Whales in Alaska, Day Seven

Dueling Canines - Grizzly Bears sparing in Admiralty Island, Alaska

Thursday was an eventful day I will remember for a while. The day started with light rain and very low clouds and heavy fog. We had to fly to Admiralty Island on a Dehavilland Beaver DHC-2 float plane. This plane was introduced in 1947 and was definitely a lot older than the young pilot. On top of that, the visibility was almost non existent. For those who may not know, float planes are flown by sight and when you have white out conditions, it made me a bit nervous. There were no wipers and the windshield was all fogged up in the cockpit. On the way back, the pontoon rudder cable broke and we had to wait for a relief plane (another Beaver). The flying condition was exactly the same as in the morning. Low heavy clouds and fog with white out conditions. Thankfully, both pilots were highly skilled and I returned in one piece.

The day started slow and my gear was fully soaked under the relentless drizzle all day. Then a Grizzly sow and two cubs appeared but they kept a good distance from me.  Finally the action picked up a bit when a young female met up with her friend, a young male. The two put on a good show for me and sparred for a while in between naps and fishing. All in all, it was an exciting but exhausting day. Very little time to look through my photos. Switching over to Whale photography tomorrow.

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