Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Wildlife Photography - Reflections On South East Alaska

Brown Bear fishing for salmon on Admiralty Island, South East Alaska

Stikine River Delta, South East Alaska

Synchronized Diving - Humpback mother and Calf diving in unison

I am back from my South East Alaskan photo shoot. This is one of my favorite spots for wildlife photography. This time, the weather is the best in more years than I can remember. In fact, some days it was a bit too warm for the animals. The water level in the streams and creeks I have visited are lower than usual and some salmon are dying prematurely before they have a chance to reach their spawning ground. The bear sightings are lower as well and the Humpback whale encounters are unexciting because they are mostly feeding. I have too many tail and back shots already.

All in all, it is just an average trip with little really exciting moments since a lot of the bears are quite far away. No spectacular photos are expected from this trip but I have little time to go through my shots because my next trip is just round the corner. Leaving for an African safari photo shoot next week and already I have received bad news. The national park I am scheduled to go on a night safari has been closed indefinitely after dusk because a Black Rhino has been killed by poachers yesterday. This is very stressful news for me because Black Rhinos are highly endangered and must be saved and preserved as a species in the wild for future generations.

Visit my website MichaelDanielHo.com to see photos from my recent trips as I post them regularly. 

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