Monday, September 30, 2013

Canon Ranks 35th On 100 Best Global Brands

Interbrand ranks the 100 most valuable global brands on a yearly basis. This year, Canon Inc. ranks 35th, down from 30th last year. Other camera manufacturer like Nikon is not even on the list. Canon’s brand value is estimated at over $10 billion. Click here to see the entire list.

There are other companies on the list that also have some involvement in the photography arena, but Canon is the only major photo equipment manufacturer on the list. Others brands with subsidiaries in the photography business are : Samsung (8th), Sony (46th), Panasonic (68th). Apple ranks number 1 on the list and is also the world's most valuable company in terms of stock market capitalization.

Interbrand also ranked the best “green brands”. Canon ranks 30th on that list. If you want to learn about the methodology used, click here.

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