Friday, October 25, 2013

Canon EOS-7D Mk II Coming In March 2014?

The long awaited, long overdue, Canon EOS-7D Mk II camera may be announced by the first quarter of 2014. First, a recap. The current EOS-7D is over three years old and has been my pick as the best DSLR camera value on the market for years. You can read my review here but the camera's technology is getting old and its Achilles' heel is the mediocre high ISO performance. Read my earlier post on the EOS-7D Mk II here.

There are different prototypes of the EOS-7D Mk II out there and they have been spotted now and then. This is nothing unusual and Canon may not have finalized on which model to produce, including the exact specifications and the MP of the sensor. The EOS-7D Mk II will be the leader of the pack for Canon's APS-C lineup. It will borrow technologies from the unparalleled EOS-1D X, the EOS-6D and EOS-70D cameras.

Possible Specifications Of The EOS-7D Mk II camera :

  • 24 MP APS-C Sensor ( Too many, if true. I prefer 21 MP )
  • Dual DIGIC 5+ processors ( Excellent for speed processing )
  • 10 fps ( Most welcomed by me ) 
  • Dual Memory Card Slots ( One CF and one SD. I prefer 2 CF slots )
  • 61 AF Points ( Perhaps the same as the EOS-1D X )
  • 3.2″ LCD monitor ( Excellent for reviewing images )
  • Similar build quality as the EOS-5D Mk III with much better weather proofing
  • GPS and WiFi ( Not necessary, in my opinion ) 
  • ISO Performance may equal EOS-5D Mk III ( Most welcomed by me )
  • Plenty of latest video features borrowed from current Canon models
  • Selling price between $2,000 to $2,199. Not finalized yet

The current EOS-7D is my favorite wildlife camera when the action is far away but its modest high ISO performance limits the use to good lighting conditions. When the Mk II model arrives and has similar ISO performance to the EOS-5D Mk III and the EOS-1D X, it will really make me a happy photographer. If the new camera sells in the low $2,000s and comes with all the features mentioned above, it will again prove to be the best value in APS-C DSLR on the market. Visit my website to see many wildlife and travel photos taken with the EOS-7D from around the world. 

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