Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Canon EOS-5Ds and EOS-5DsR Developers Interview

Canon EOS-5Ds and EOS-5DsR 50MP full frame DSLR cameras

Canon announced their new camera on February 5, 2015. Delivery is scheduled to commence the end of June. If you have decided to move up to the Canon EOS-5Ds and EOS-5DsR cameras from the EOS-5D Mk III, the article here from Canon Digital Learning Center highlights how to take advantage of the 50MP files the cameras are capable of capturing. If you are still trying to decide, read this post on the added features of the new camera.

Canon Asia put out a detailed interview with the team of engineers who designed the new camera. The interview is broken into two parts. Part One is about achieving Speed, Comfort and Quality while Part Two talks about the technology behind the ultra high resolution 50MP sensor. It is quite an interesting interview and it may help those who are still sitting on the fence.

I am not going to get this camera. It is too slow for wildlife photography. Waiting for the EOS-5D Mk IV and EOS-1D X Mk II to come later this year. You can see how this camera compares to the EOS-5D Mk III and Nikon D810.

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