Thursday, February 11, 2016

Guide To Buying The Right Photography Bag

My readers know I am the Wildlife Ho-tographer traversing the globe on many photo shoots throughout the year. My travels take me from the high Arctic to the Southern Ocean and many places in between.

One of the most important things to consider before going on a photo safari, in addition to having the proper equipment is, having the appropriate camera bag. I have been using Tamrac equipment bags since the 1970s but sadly, they were bought out by GuruGear last year and the company is gone.

Before I take off on a photo trip, I try to anticipate the wildlife action ahead of time from past experience and decide which camera and lens equipment to bring. Then I choose between the two Tamrac bags I own. They are both professional grade, designed for the outdoors with heavy duty material and padding but yet 'small' enough to fit into the overhead compartment of most planes but sometimes they will exceed the weight limit on smaller and really tiny planes, depending on the gear I bring.

My readers know I have been a Canon user for 25 years. My smaller bag can carry two full size DSLRs, two EF 'L' lens, a Super Telephoto DO lens and a few light gear. The larger bag will hold two full size DSLRs, two full size EF 'L' zoom lens, a full size Super Telephoto lens plus an assortment of small gear. 

Having the proper equipment bag to fit all your gear in is essential for a successful trip, especially when the shoot involves a lot of walking and hiking to find wildlife. The video below shows how to choose a camera bag for many everyday photography needs other than a serious wildlife photography shoot but some of the tips are still useful. You can see my equipment bag and works on   

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