Thursday, April 21, 2016

Latest Update on Canon Lenses Coming in 2016

I have just returned from a rather successful wildlife photo trip to India. Witnessed two tiger kills from beginning to end on a Spotted and Sambar Deer plus Elephants and Monkeys mating, in addition to many new bird species for me. Trying to get back to writing my blog and catching up with the latest photography and NAB 2016 news. It will take me a week or two to get back to speed and precious little time to process the photos because by then, my next tour will be here already. I have a very busy Spring and Summer touring season ahead of me. You can see my works on

Canon is planning to announce more EF lens this year. Recently, I reported on the EF 200-600mm f/3.5-5.6 IS Super Zoom lens. This new glass may be a Q4 2016 or Q1 2017 event. I have not decided on whether to buy this lens or not even though I like the focal lengths. The one lens I will definitely buy when Canon announces it is the EF 600mm f/4 DO BR.

The EF 16-35mm f/2.8L Mark III will be announced this year, together with more EF-S shorter zooms and EF-M prime and medium zoom lenses.

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