Although the Canon EOS-1D X Mark II has started limited, around the world delivery to Canon Ambassadors and people who were involved in the pre-production camera tests, the mass shipment to the public is just commencing. Those who have placed their pre-order just after the announcement will be getting their cameras first. I will be getting mine tomorrow.
There is an overwhelming demand for this body and I do not expect Canon to catch up on their orders till a few months from now. I will be taking the EOS-1D X Mark II on an Amazon wildlife photo shoot field test in a few days. My readers know I have picked the EOS-1D X as the best DSLR for sports and wildlife photography. I expect the Mark II to do even better and will write a review after returning from a few of my wildlife tours the next few months.
You can see my equipment bag and works on
The Canon EOS-1D X Mark II camera is finally here. Look for my comprehensive review in a few months after my usual grueling field tests in different parts of the globe, starting in the Amazon very soon.