Friday, February 3, 2017

Canon EOS-M6 Mirrorless Camera Coming Very Soon

I am still on my Humpback whale photo shoot in Maui. You can follow my travels on Facebook and Twitter. See my equipment bag and works on

Apparently, Canon has decided to announce another mirrorless camera and have decided to 'shake things up a bit' by giving it the EOS-M6 designation. It will apprently be another incremental improvement to the current EOS-M3 model.

I wish Canon will stop announcing also ran models and just come out with their full frame mirrorless model with the EF mount. They have been working on it for a long time now and should be very near to perfecting the technology by now.

Sony is still ahead in mirrorless cameras and Canon should just take the gloves off and leap frog them This will give photographers like myself a serious reason to buy a professional grade mirrorless model.

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