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Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Canon Offers Autumnal Foliage Photo Tips

Wood Duck bathing in a cornucopia of Autumnal colors

Canon Digital Learning Center put out an article with tips on how to photograph Autumnal foliage.  You can see more of my works on The following is the article in its entirety.

Autumn begins around late September, bringing with it a seasonal change that inspires photographers across the nation: Fall foliage. Autumn’s dramatic landscapes are stunning to behold and the challenge is how to preserve the impact in a still photograph that captures the unique quality of this season.

An autumn-colored tree is a subject unto itself. It is a time where a photograph of a simple tree can stand on its own and, in most cases, break all the rules of composition. There’s just something special about a tree (or landscape full of trees) turning brilliant colors this time of year. However, if you take it a step further — give the tree some dramatic lighting, throw in a compositional aid such as a creek or road, make use of color filter effects, and think carefully about framing and composition — then you’re on the right track to making a great photo that doesn't just rely on pretty colors.

Location, location, location
In New England, most scenes will include scenic structures such as a picket fence or a quaint steepled church. The mid-Atlantic states and mid-west regions will have large areas of rolling hillsides, with possibly some farming composition opportunities. The West has grand mountain landscapes with pockets of color and majestic mountain peaks. The color starts up north and works its way south like an ocean wave. There are many helpful web sites that chronicle foliage progress and colors through the country, for example: The Foliage Network, The Weather Channel, and the US Forest Service, to name but a few — and countless others that are specific to regions, states, and even neighborhoods.

Out west, the colors seem more influenced by altitude than latitude. At the 10,000 ft. level foliage can be in full color by September 21st, most years. Foliage in the 4,000–5,000 ft. altitudes will usually see color the end of October.

Get Closer

The temptation of wide shots, of entire forests or mountainsides may be hard to resist. However, variety is important. Shoot the panoramic landscapes, but also remember that beauty can be found in the details.

Macro photography is a great way to explore the colors and textures of autumn, while also using unique points-of-view.

Another way to get closer is simply switching to a longer telephoto lens, or zooming to a longer focal length with a zoom lens. Telephotos are great for isolating parts of subjects, and they usually will throw your backgrounds beautifully out of focus. Try focusing close with that telephoto lens — with many of today’s zoom lenses, you can fill the frame with a single large leaf.

Out-of-focus backgrounds are a photographic effect you can heighten, or reduce, by controlling your aperture: wider apertures will result in a shallower range of focus, and softer backgrounds. Smaller apertures will increase the range of focus, resulting in sharper backgrounds. You’ll need to make the creative choice depending on what, and how much of the background you want to see in the image. This is a perfect reason to switch to your camera’s Av (aperture-priority) exposure mode, if you’ve been using fully automatic exposure up to now.

Take the time to consider the background, and experiment with more dynamic ways to make your main subject stand out.

Don’t forget the power of wide-angle lenses. A standard zoom lens, such as an 18–55mm lens, can produce some spectacular results — especially if you move in close at its widest setting and focus upon one object in the foreground. A low-hanging branch with leaves can suddenly become a broad burst of color and detail, if you move in and focus upon the nearest leaf.


Most photographers will agree that lighting is the most important ingredient in a photograph; with foliage it really is, because understanding how to use sunlight to your best ability will make those fall colors as bright and vivid as you want them.

One of the ideal times to shoot is during the ‘magic’, or golden hour, generally during the first half-hour right after the sun rises in the morning, and the last half hour just before the sun sets at the end of the day. During these times, the quality of light is ideal for autumn landscape photography: the sunlight is naturally warm, rich, and golden-hued — further enhancing the colorful leaves. The angle of the sunlight is lower and more directional, helping create enhanced textures and shapes using it as side-light, or increased depth if used as a backlight.

The quality of magic-hour sunlight is more diffused, with a pleasing contrast that is less likely to overexpose in the highlights, or underexpose in the shadows.

Hazy and overcast lighting bring a completely new set of opportunities. These forms of lighting are diffused, or non-directional, and will produce shadowless subjects and render your colors in soft pastel shades. On overcast days you only have to remember to keep as much white sky out of your frame as possible. Fall showers can inspire beautiful photo opportunities, as well. Fall colors can look even more saturated during or right after a rainstorm, and moody skies can offer that perfect contrast to the colored foliage. Use a macro lens and look for details such as raindrops clinging to the leaves.

Shoot some back-lit pictures, with the sun coming toward the camera and shining through leaves. Back-lighting can really increase the rich color of fall foliage. Move the camera to use other leaves to block the sun and shade the lens in order to reduce or eliminate the lens flare.

Bright sunlight toward the middle of the day can have its own benefits, even though the character of clear sunlight from overhead is often less flattering to foliage than when the sun is lower in the sky. One thing that can really enhance sunlight pictures in mid-day is a circular polarizing filter, to cut reflections off the surfaces of the foliage, and deepen its color. We’ll discuss filters in a moment.


The secret to metering any lighting situations is to fill the frame with the light you’re trying to photograph. This can be accomplished three ways: first, you can move closer to the subject to fill the frame — but this can be difficult if you’re framing some trees with a distant mountain in the background.

The second solution is to use the longest focal length on your zoom lens, or a long telephoto prime lens, to crop your frame tightly onto your main subject, and meter it in isolation from distracting elements in the scene that may otherwise confuse your meter. Use Auto Exposure Lock (press once on the rear button with the asterisk icon on Canon EOS DSLRs) to hold that exposure in-place. Then, reposition the lens/zoom out to the correct focal length for the best composition, and shoot the picture.

Finally, Spot or Partial metering can help you isolate exposure on one critical area of a scene, and you can then lock it in with one press on the rear AE Lock button (with asterisk icon). Be sure your camera is in a Creative Zone exposure mode (P, Tv, Av, or M), and you can change metering to either Spot or Partial. Place the center area of your viewfinder upon the part of the scene you want to meter from, and then press the AE Lock button to hold that reading. Using Manual exposure mode, and simply adjusting aperture/shutter speed until the analog meter scale in the viewfinder reads proper exposure is another great feature to combine with Spot or Partial metering, since once you set exposure, it won’t change as you move the camera around.

Even though this isn’t directly exposure-related, if you’re working in bright sunlight (even early or late in the day) with a Canon EOS camera, consider activating the camera’s Highlight Tone Priority. This can really help take some of the edge off of bright specular highlights, giving you more detail in shiny areas of leaves and foliage, and helping to enhance overall detail — without simply darkening the entire scene. Highlight Tone Priority is usually activated in the Custom Function area of the menu for most Rebel models, and in the Shooting menu for most mid-range and high-end EOS cameras.

Playing With Color

Once you find the perfect scene for your photos, consider how to not just capture the colors, but how to really make the most of them in a way that compliments your overall image.

The camera's white balance settings will help create different tonal effects. Simply switching from Automatic White Balance (AWB) or Daylight to the Shade or Cloudy modes will add a warm, golden hue to your image. Also try to shift your camera’s white balance towards amber or amber/magenta to add warmth to the image. (You can easily do this with the White Balance Shift/Bracket feature, a menu option on most recent EOS digital SLRs).

Take a custom white balance (such as with an ExpoDisk Portrait, or blue WarmCard White Balance Reference) to create a golden cast to your photos. In your RAW images, if there is something white or neutral grey, try using the “click” white balance feature when you view the images in the DPP.

Remember that contrast can help colors to “pop” — for example, the warm tones of autumn leaves will be enhanced with the subtle inclusion of something cool (blue, or blue-green) in the frame. For example, a vivid sliver of sky, or a blue-painted automobile or house strategically placed in the foreground.

As a reminder, White Balance settings are “locked in” to JPEG images, but can always be changed when processing a RAW file.

Picture Style, and Other Enhancements

Canon's Picture Style can help create just the look and feel you want in your fall foliage shots. You can select one of the preset styles, such as Standard, Portrait or Landscape. For fall foliage, Landscape gives the greatest default level of saturation, emphasizing blues and greens. It also boosts yellow objects with added saturation. The added sharpness and saturation even adds vividness to foggy/overcast scenes.

Another Picture Style you may want to try is Canon’s “Autumn Hues.” This one isn’t pre-set in cameras right out of the box, but can be downloaded free of charge from Canon’s web site and uploaded into your camera. You can find this, and several other specialized looks at the Canon Picture Style Special Site. You can also create your own Picture Style, using Canon’s Picture Style Editor software, and store it in the camera's memory for future use. If you prefer to shoot JPEG images, whatever Picture Style you choose will be “locked in” to the image file — so make your Picture Style selections in your camera’s Shooting menu thoughtfully.

If you shoot in RAW images, you can always adjust or completely change your Picture Style in Canon’s Digital Photo Professional (DPP) Software. With any of the pre-installed Picture Style choices (except Monochrome), you can further adjust Contrast, Color Saturation, Color Tone, and Sharpening; this can be done in DPP and even on the camera’s Picture Style menu before shots are taken. And, in DPP, you can download one of the special Picture Style files, apply it from DPP, and experiment with settings like the afore-mentioned Autumn Hues Picture Style.

The Canon Digital Learning Center has a series of instructional video tutorials on the features and functionality of Canon's Picture Style Editor, a free application bundled with every EOS camera, used to selectively modify any existing picture style or even create your own, found here: Picture Style Editor Tutorials.

High Dynamic Range (HDR)

Another technique to try is High Dynamic Range imaging (HDR). There are two HDR methods :

    Multi-image (learn more with the tip series HDR: From Capture to Post)
    Single-image (learn more with the tip series Single Image HDR)

Multi-image HDR is created by combining several images of different bracketed exposures, taken at the same time in rapid sequence. This is the traditional method, and depending on the number of bracketed images your camera can take, offers the widest range of exposure and tonal detail to create your HDR image. However, for multi-image HDR to work effectively, there has to be zero movement in the scene during the sequence of bracketed shots. The challenge with foliage is the amount of movement from frame to frame with wind blowing the branches, leaves moving, clouds passing across the sky, and other uncontrollable elements.

Where subject motion is possible, as with landscapes, the single-image process may be preferable. It starts with a single RAW image — from there, you process it several times with software such as Canon’s Digital Photo Professional; processing is varied to create intentionally light, dark and neutral renditions of the single RAW exposure. Then, use a editing program with HDR capability, such as Photomatix™ or Adobe® Photoshop® to combine those images and create an expanded dynamic range. You can create HDR effects that range from subtly increasing detail in the highlights and shadows, to much more dramatic effects that surreally exaggerate the colors and tones in your scene.

As of September 2014, the EOS line includes four DSLRs with in-camera HDR processing: the EOS 5D Mark III, EOS 6D, EOS 7D Mark II and EOS 70D. This allows for the capture and creation of bold HDR imagery, without the need for any additional software or editing time. To learn more about how to use this creative feature in the EOS 5D Mark III, click here. (The basic operation is similar in the EOS 6D, EOS 7D Mark II and 70D, albeit with fewer finishing options.)
Thinking Beyond Color

The most difficult part of fall foliage photography for most people is simply finding the right subject. Ironically, it’s easy to be distracted with the color, so that actual subject content and scene composition are less important that the leaves. The secret to overcoming this challenge is to start by getting rid of the color — that way, you can concentrate on finding the perfect subject, composition, and lighting, to “hold” the color. To do this, try using the Monochrome Picture Style mode.

How will Monochrome Picture Style help you? Your images will appear in B&W on your camera’s LCD, and without the distraction of color, you will be better able to find that perfect combination of scenic composition, point of focus, angle of light, subject texture, etc. These are the elements that will make your photos really powerful.

Please note that if you shoot JPEG images in-camera, your Picture Style is locked in — so the Monochrome image you capture in camera will ALWAYS be a monochrome image. If you shoot RAW images, however, you will preserve all the original color information in the photo, allowing you to produce a finished color or B&W photo — even if you originally shot it with the Monochrome Picture Style.

If you prefer shooting in Monochrome Picture Style, EOS cameras also allow you to simulate the effect of applying traditional yellow, orange, red, or green filters used with B&W photographic film. When using the color filter effects, the B&W tones are portrayed differently, depending on the color. Basically, each filter will lighten its own color tones, and darken their complimentary tones. For example a green filter will lighten green grass and darken reds or yellows, such as warm skin tones. The red filter will lighten the deep reddish or golden tones of autumn leaves, and darken a blue sky, resulting in a very dramatic effect.

Although there are many different creative filters you can put on a camera lens, three stand out with digital SLRs for foliage, scenic and landscape images :

The Circular Polarizer

This popular filter performs functions that still, to this day, cannot be achieved in the same manner with even the most advanced image-editing software. It can enhance colors in non-metallic subjects by reducing or even eliminating glare and reflections from their surfaces. And, it can deepen clear blue skies (particularly when the camera is aimed at about 90° from the direction of sunlight). Finally, for distant shots on sunny days, it can help to minimize atmospheric haze. On clear days, the effect of a circular polarizing filter can be vivid enough to change the look of your images.

Neutral Density filters

Available in various strengths, this is simply a light-reduction tool to allow use of slower shutter speeds (and/or wider lens apertures) in brightly-lit conditions. Gray to the naked eye, good ones have no impact on color — and unlike a Circular Polarizer, Neutral Density filters don’t have any impact on reflections or color saturation. Neutral density filters come in several calibrated levels, often rated as .3, .6, .9 and ND 1.2 , with each .3 rating representing one stop of light. Therefore the .6 ND filter would reduce light by two stops, the .9 ND filter reduces light by three stops and the 1.2 will reduce by four stops of light. These filters can be stacked in any combination to achieve the desired amount of light reduction needed in brightly lit circumstances or when used for longer exposures.

Graduated Neutral Density filters

The graduated neutral density filters come in the same ratings, but are clear on the bottom and slightly opaque on the top, with either an abrupt (hard edge ‘grad’) or a gradual shift (soft edge ‘grad’) in the middle. They are used to darken the brighter part of a scene so that it falls within the dynamic range of the camera.

Steadiness and Stabilization

One way to improve the overall quality of your photographs is to use a tripod. A tripod accomplishes a few very important goals: It allows you to shoot at slower shutter speeds than you would normally get away with, even with an Image Stabilized (IS) lens. It permits using significantly smaller lens apertures, for greater depth-of-field or simply for greater sharpness at one area of a scene. Perhaps even more importantly, shooting on a tripod tends to make photographers more aware of their horizontal and vertical level, and you will notice right away if the horizon is not perfectly straight or if your subject looks off-balance in the frame. Lastly, even the fairly minimal effort it take to set up and level a tripod makes you work slower and more deliberately, which can help photographers to notice imaging possibilities they may have otherwise missed with faster, hand-held shooting.

If you’re not using a tripod and you’re using a lens with Image Stabilization, our suggestion is simple: turn the I.S. on. In hand-held situations, it’s an easy route to clear, sharp pictures. In general, the only time we suggest turning the I.S. off is when you are mounted on a solid, steady tripod.


Autumn is a great opportunity for all photographers to make some really colorful and outstanding photographs. There are few subjects as universally inspiring as fall foliage. Remember to look for different ways to shoot familiar subjects, whether it’s up-close, down low, with filters, after dawn, or during a storm — and you will find it pays off in many wonderful, dynamic shots that capture the spirit of the season. You can see more of my works on

Canon DPP, EOS Utility, Picture Style Editor Updated

Canon released new versions of their Digital Photo Professional (DPP) RAW processing software, DPP 4.0.2 and 3.14.41 are available. Other Canon software has also been updated. All updated Canon software can be downloaded here.

Changes for Digital Photo Professional 3.14.41 Updater for Mac OS X & Windows
  • Supports images taken with EOS 7D Mark II, PowerShot SX60 HS, PowerShot G7 X.
  • Mac OS X 10.7 is no longer supported
  • Windows Vista & Windows XP no longer supported
  • A function to delete the shooting data when executing [Convert and save] has been added
  • For EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, EF-M22mm f/2 STM, EF-M18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM, the latest lens data can be used, of which Digital Lens Optimizer’s performance has been improved
  • Fixed a phenomenon that a file may not be converted and saved if specific character is used in the file name’s first character
  • Supports new lens (EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM, EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM, EF-M 55-200mm f/4.5-6.3 IS STM)

Changes for EOS MOVIE Utility 1.2 for Mac OS X :
  • Newly supported EOS 7D Mk II, EOS-1D X, EOS 5D Mk III, EOS 6D, and EOS 70D
  • Operability improved by changing layout of buttons
  • Marker supported
  • 200% enlargement supported
  • Still image cropping function enhanced
  • Playback of IN point-OUT point supported
  • “GPS” has been added to the shooting information items for cropped still image
  • Items added to the shooting information display

Changes for Digital Photo Professional 4.0.2 for Mac OS X & Windows
  • Supports EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM

Changes for Picture Style Editor 1.14.20 Updater for Mac OS X & Windows
  • Supports EOS 7D Mark II
  • Mac OS X 10.7 is no longer supported
  • Windows XP & Windows Vista no longer supported

Changes for EOS Utility 2.14.10 Updater for Mac OS X & Windows
  • Supports EOS 7D Mark II
  • Supports EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM, EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM
  • Mac OS X 10.7 is no longer supported

Changes for EOS Utility 3.0.1 for Mac OS X  & Windows
  • Supports EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Canon EOS-7D Mk II Camera Instruction Manual

Canon EOS-7D Mk II camera

Canon announced their long awaited EOS-7D Mk II camera on September 15 and received very good reviews so far. Now you can see a field reportsample imagesdownload the Instruction Manual and the Guide Book on how to master the 65 point cross-type AF system. I have ordered this camera and am very anxious to take it on a Polar bear photo shoot in Hudson Bay in November and give it a thorough field test and write a review on this body.

I am still on a photo shoot in South Africa and have little time in keeping up with my blog. You can read about my trip here and see more wildlife photos on

Canon EOS-7D Mk II Camera Guide Book

Canon announced their long awaited EOS-7D Mk II camera on September 15 and received very good reviews so far. Now they have release a guide book on how to master the 65 point cross-type AF system. You can see a field reportsample imagesdownload the guide book and the Instruction Manual and see a short film, short entirely with the new camera. I have ordered the EOS-7D Mk II and am very anxious to take it on a Polar bear photo shoot in Hudson Bay in November for a thorough field test and write a review on this body.

I am still on a photo shoot in South Africa and have little time in keeping up with my blog. You can read about my trip here and see more wildlife photos on

Friday, September 26, 2014

Wildlife Photography - Photo Shoot in South Africa, Day 11

African lion's rude awakening

Reflection of a pretty mare in a watering hole

Happiness is celebrating World Rhino Day with Mom

                                    * * *  Read travel log from Day 8 and Day 6  * * *

More of the same. Settling into a daily routine now. Going out on two jeep safaris a day - early morning and late afternoon. On days that are not too hot, I will go on a late morning safari walk. Still having difficulty in finding Leopards and getting a good, clean shot at them. Most of the encounters are in thick, heavy bush and they rarely stay put for me.

I will keep this schedule up unless something changes in terms of wildlife encounters or weather. The guide and tracker I have are simply phenomenal in their knowledge and ability. It is a great help to have them assisting me in my wildlife search. The equipment I brought are the Canon EOS-1D X and EOS-1D Mk IV cameras, EF 200-400mm f/4L IS, EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS and EF 24-105mm f/4L IS lenses.The roads are very bumpy and dusty but the gear is holding up very well. Visit my website to see more photos from my shoots.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Wildlife Photography - Photo Shoot in South Africa, Day 8

African lion patrolling his territory and keeping rivals at bay

African leopard hiding in thick bush cover

Young African elephant feeding in the early morning hours

                                  * * *  Read travel log from Day 11 and Day 6  * * *

The lodges I am staying is in a savanna bushveld type of woodland. Wildebeest, Cape Buffaloes, Warthogs and other grazing animals come right up to my room and it is a wonderful experience to see and feel nature close up. At night, I can hear lions calling to each other and other animals moving in the bush in complete darkness, except for the thousands of twinkling stars overhead in the black sky.

Lions are not too difficult to locate but tracking the Leopards are proving quite a challenge. When a Leopard is found, it is usually hiding in thick bush and that makes photographing them a nightmare. So far no luck on finding Cheetahs and African wild dogs. Everyday I go on two safari photo shoots - early morning and late afternoon. Mid afternoon is usually too hot and is reserved for rest and relaxation. Weather is dry and hot but the insects and mosquitoes are practically non existent, unlike the Pantanals in Brazil, a couple of weeks ago.

I had no time to post and keep up with news from Photokina 2014, Canon and the photography world in general until my return. Visit my website to see photos from my previous trips.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wildlife Photography - Photo Shoot in South Africa, Day 6

African Lion ready to see off rivals

Juvenile leopard on a night hunt with mom

* * *  Read travel log from Day 11 and Day 8  * * *

I had a harrowing flight from Frankfurt to Johannesburg. Came across three separate thunder storms replete with severe lighting. The whole sky lit up like the Fourth of July. The plane was tossed around like a kite in a wind storm. I am used to being tossed around in jeeps, zodiacs, small boats and planes but when one is hurling through a pitch black, lighting filled sky, inside an aluminum tube at 550+ mph, 40,000 feet in the air, it's too close for comfort.

Went on a night safari and came across this juvenile Leopard and its mother. It was completely dark and all I had was a small spotlight. The Leopard was about 80 feet away so it is not a great photo but there is nothing like seeing the apex night predator in action.

The Lion action is quite good. Came across two mating pairs and they were busy. Don't have a lot of time looking through my photos because I am mostly very tired at the end of each day. Visit my website to see more photos from previous trips.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Canon EOS-7D Mk II Camera Review Round Up

Canon has finally announced the EOS-7D Mk II camera after first introducing the Mk I five year ago. I have placed my order for the body and the EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II Super Telephoto lens.

I am off on a wildlife photo shoot in South Africa. In the meantime, take a look at the plethora of sample photos and video reviews below on the new camera. My initial impression is quite positive. The features I like most are : 61 AF points, 10 fps and AF down to f/8. When I receive the equipment, I will take them to the sub Arctic this Autumn for a thorough field test and write a comprehensive review on them. You can see my works on

Wildlife Photography - Photo Shoot In South Africa

African lion roaring in Masai Mara, Kenya

I am off on a safari photo shoot in South Africa this week. My journey takes me to Kruger National Park and several neighboring game reserves. Kruger is one of the largest national parks in Africa, with an area of about 7,600 square miles. That is larger than a few states in the New England region of the U.S.

The park and surrounding reserves are excellent places to capture 'Big Five' images of Lions, Leopards, Elephants, Rhinos and Cape Buffalo plus Giraffes, Zebras, Cheetahs, Hippos and many more. There are also hundreds of species of birds to marvel and photograph for the ornithologist in many of us.

Majestic Leopard in tree, Serengeti National Park, Tanzania

The area is characterized as ‘savanna bushveld’ with 6 different landscape types : acacia woodland, open woodland, mopane woodland, combretum woodland, mixed combretum woodland and mixed veld. The critically endangered African wild dog is also a regular visitor to the Reserve. The larger and rarer antelopes such as Roan, Eland and Tsessebe may also be seen but their numbers are still critically low.

African elephant making a stand against photographer

Africa is a far away continent, especially for those who reside in North America but it is a fascinating region of the world and I will be concentrating on wildlife photography, with a bit of cultural discovery mixed in, time permitting.

Hippopotamus in Hippo pool, Serengeti National Park

While I am away, the big 2014 Photokina Show will be taking place in Cologne, Germany. Canon has announced the EOS-7D Mk II camera , EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II Super Telephoto lens , PowerShot SX60 and PowerShot G7 X cameras. I have waited years for the EOS-7D Mk II and EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II to be released and have placed my order for these gear.

Planning to take the new equipment to the sub Arctic in Autumn and give them a thorough field test. If I come across any WiFi signal while on location, I will try and make a few blog posts. In the meantime, you can visit my website to see more wildlife photos from my previous trips while I am away.

Canon PowerShot G7 X Camera Announced

Canon PowerShot G7 X camera

EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II lens and PowerShot SX60 camera for Photokina 2014

The PowerShot G7 X is a premium high-performance camera that puts exciting and impressive capabilities in a sophisticated, compact package. It starts with the sensor: a large and light-grabbing 1.0-inch, 20.2 Megapixel* High-Sensitivity CMOS sensor powered by Canon’s latest generation DIGIC 6 Image Processor for beautifully rendered low-light photography up to ISO 12800. The IS lens is a f/1.8 (W)–f/2.8 (T) that puts more in your frame while staying bright to the maximum 4.2x Optical Zoom (24mm–100mm), with a 9-blade circular aperture diaphragm for artistic background blur, and a minimum focus range of just 5cm for precise macro shooting. Wi-Fi®**- and NFC-enabled***, the PowerShot G7 X is selfie-ready with a high-resolution multi-angle capacitive 3.0-inch touch panel LCD. Shooting is a joy with High-Speed AF (0.14 sec.), 31 AF points, full-resolution continuous shooting up to 6.5 fps and 1080p/60p HD video. Designed to provide stellar images, the PowerShot G7 X is a compact digital camera powered to inspire your most impressive photography. And it delivers.

Canon PowerShot G7 X Features

New 1.0-inch, 20.2 Megapixel* High-Sensitivity CMOS sensor combined with Canon’s powerful DIGIC 6 Image Processor creates the Canon HS SYSTEM for outstanding low-light performance up to ISO 12800, enhanced image quality, and fast operation.

A bright f/1.8 (W) – f/2.8 (T), 4.2x Optical Zoom (24mm–100mm), 9-blade iris diaphragm and IS equipped lens enables you to capture more in your frame, and is ideal for low-light conditions or using shallow depth-of-field for dramatic, soft backgrounds. Focus range starts at 2.0 in. for Macro and 1.3 ft. for Tele.

Selfie-ready multi-angle capacitive 3.0? touch panel LCD with a screen resolution of 1,040K dots for a sharp, clear display and easy operation and sharing.

High-Speed AF (0.14 sec.) greatly improves focus speed. 31 AF points provide an expanded and more accurate focus area. Paired with continuous shooting speeds of up to 6.5 fps and the removal of buffer time, you can get your best shot in full resolution.

For easy Wi-Fi® connectivity**, built-in NFC (Near Field Communication) allows quick and simple pairing to a compatible Android™ device***.

Capture stunning 1080p/60p Full HD video for lifelike images and convenient playback on an HDTV via the HDMI output. Record at up to 60 frames per second for even more detailed, superb results in MP4 format.

Intelligent IS automatically chooses from eight different modes to optimize image stabilization for virtually shake-free images in a wide variety of conditions.

Convenient control ring, exposure dial, and mode dial provide intuitive manual adjustment.

Shoot breathtaking images and video of the stars with Star Mode designed to better capture the brilliance and wonder of the night sky.

Canon PowerShot SX60 HS Camera Announced

Canon PowerShot SX60 HS camera

* * *  Read the review on the PowerShot SX60 camera  * * *

Canon also announced the EOS-7D Mk II camera,
EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II lens and PowerShot G7 X camera for Photokina 2014

Craters on the moon, wildlife from afar, your child’s face on a crowded school stage… the PowerShot SX60 HS camera gives you the reach to capture it all. The camera’s astonishing 65x Optical Zoom (21mm–1365mm) Wide-Angle Lens with Optical Image Stabilizer combines tremendous flexibility with portable ease. Capture close-ups, wide shots and everything in between with beautiful quality thanks to a 16.1 Megapixel* High-Sensitivity CMOS Sensor and Canon’s latest DIGIC 6 Image Processor that together create the Canon HS SYSTEM for excellent low-light performance. Advanced technology including Zoom Framing Assist and Intelligent IS help you track and capture clear, steady long shots. Shoot realistic 1080p Full HD video recorded at 60p. USM and VCM technology help ensure fast, silent zooming and focus during recording, and, in a first for a PowerShot model, you can attach an optional external microphone. And quickly share everything you capture: the PowerShot SX60 HS is Wi-Fi®**- and NFC-enabled*** with an easy Mobile Device Connect button.

Canon PowerShot SX60 HS Features

65x Optical Zoom (21–1365mm) Wide Angle Lens with Optical Image Stabilizer for outstanding optical performance and versatility for both close-ups and wide shots.

16.1 Megapixel* High Sensitivity CMOS Sensor combined with the DiG!C 6 Image Processor creates the Canon HS SYSTEM, which helps to provide excellent low-light performance.

Capture stunning 1080p/60p Full HD video in MP4 format with a dedicated movie button, fast and silent zoom, and focus while shooting thanks to USM and VCM. The PowerShot SX60 HS is also the first PowerShot model with external microphone input capability.

For easy Wi-Fi® connectivity**, built-in NFC (Near Field Communication) allows quick and simple pairing to a compatible Android™ device***.

Intelligent IS automatically chooses from eight different modes to optimize image stabilization for virtually shake-free images in a wide variety of conditions.

Zoom Framing Assist makes it easy to track and capture subjects while using the extreme telephoto. With this advanced feature, your camera will automatically zoom in or out while following the movement of your subject and help ensure it remains in focus.

High Speed AF greatly improves focus speed so you can capture every shot with ease. Paired with continuous shooting speeds of up to 6.4 fps and the removal of buffer time, you can get your best shot in full resolution.

Bright 3.0-inch Vari-angle LCD with 922,000 dots for shooting at a variety of angles, plus an Electronic Viewfinder with 922,000 dots.

Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II Lens Announced

Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II Super Telephoto lens

Canon also announced the EOS-7D Mk II camera,
PowerShot SX60 HS and G7 X cameras for Photokina 2014

This is my favorite Canon Super Telephoto lens when I want to travel light and handhold my shots. I own the Series I lens and have taken it on worldwide trips. Currently, I am in South Africa on a wildlife photo shoot. You can see my works on and read the latest development in Canon's Diffractive Optics line of lenses.

The Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM lens delivers brilliant high-speed performance for professionals with minimal glare and superb image quality. Taking advantage of the best in lens technology, it features gapless dual-layer diffractive optical elements for improved diffraction efficiency with reduced flare. These elements are arranged with a large-diameter ground aspheric lens and a UD lens for a new level of sharpness and clarity. New coatings help to reduce ghosting, ensure excellent color balance and reduce fingerprints on the front and rear of the lens.

Professional L-series dust- and water-resistant construction is complemented by impressive performance: a 3 mode Image Stabilization system offers up to four stops of compensation and can even prevent operational errors when the camera is mounted on a tripod. AF stop buttons placed on the front of the lens can automatically stop focusing at any time; full time manual focus ensures complete control no matter the AF mode, and a Power Focus (PF) mode makes for smooth focus transitions when shooting movies. The EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II USM focuses down to 10.8 ft. (3.3 meters), has a 9-blade aperture for pleasing, soft, out-of-focus areas, and is constructed with environmentally friendly lead-free glass.

Canon EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II Specifications

List price - $6,899

Compact, lightweight super telephoto lens that is ideal for sports and wildlife photography.

Newly-developed gapless dual-layer diffractive optical elements deliver improved image quality with reduced flare.

Large diameter ground aspherical lens and UD lens for even greater optical performance.

Optical Image Stabilizer provides up to four shutter speed stops of correction*.

Three image stabilization modes (standard, panning, and during exposure only) provide exceptional results for a wide range of shooting situations.

For greater convenience, Image Stabilizer does not have to be disabled when shooting with a tripod.

AF stop buttons on the front of the lens allow you to stop autofocusing at any point.

Optimized lens placement and coatings deliver exceptional color balance, while minimizing ghosting and flare.

Highly resistant to dust and water, enabling shooting even in harsh conditions.

Circular aperture (9 blades) delivers beautiful, soft backgrounds.

Full-time manual focus allows manual focus adjustment while in AF Mode.

Power Focus mode enables smooth focus shifts essential for filmmaking.

Fluorine coating on front and rear lens surfaces reduces smears and fingerprints.

Minimum focusing distance of 10.8 ft./3.3 m.

Canon EOS-7D Mk II Camera Announced

Canon EOS-7D Mk II camera

Canon also announced the EF 400mm f/4 DO IS II lens
Powershot SX60 HS and G7 X cameras for Photokina 2014

For a complete analysis of this new camera, click here. For some video reviews, click here. To see sample images and videos from Canon Japan, click here. I am off on a wildlife photo shoot in South Africa. Little time to update my blog. Will reconnect upon my return.

MELVILLE, N.Y., September 15, 2014 - Canon U.S.A., Inc., a leader in digital imaging solutions, is proud to introduce the EOS 7D Mark II Digital SLR camera, incorporating professional features and quality in an affordable DSLR. Building upon the proven success of the EOS 7D camera, this new EOS model features a range of “EOS firsts” such as Dual DIGIC 6 Image Processors for superb image quality and rapid burst shooting up to 10 frames per second (fps), as well as Canon’s first 65-Point* All Cross Type autofocus (AF) system for compositional freedom and accurate, spot-on fast focus. Great for shooting indoor activities such as sporting events, concerts, or weddings, the camera’s impressive low-light shooting capabilities along with its up-to-10 fps high-speed shooting can capture a fast-break basketball dunk, a band’s encore performance, a bird in flight or wildlife in exceptional quality. In addition, the EOS 7D Mark II is the second EOS DSLR camera to incorporate Canon’s innovative Dual Pixel CMOS AF system for rapid and precise focusing of video as well as still images.

“With more processing power than any other EOS camera available today, the highly anticipated EOS 7D Mark II camera has everything serious photographers have come to expect from Canon’s DSLRs and more,” said Yuichi Ishizuka, president and COO, Canon U.S.A., Inc. “And, recognizing that for some, creative expression may expand beyond still photography, we continue to support these creative passions by offering new and innovative Full HD video capabilities, such as second generation Dual Pixel CMOS AF technology in the EOS 7D Mark II camera as well.”
Outstanding Performance

Within the camera’s durable magnesium alloy body resides a newly developed 20.2 megapixel APS-C Canon CMOS sensor and Dual DIGIC 6 Image Processors, safeguarded by enhanced dust and weather resistance to protect the camera. Ideal for shooting in challenging lighting conditions ranging from indoor sports to dimly lit weddings, the camera features a standard ISO range of 100-16000 for both still and video (expandable to ISO 51,600). A new 65-point* All Cross-Type AF system with EV -3 sensitivity at the center point helps deliver sharp focus for still photos even in extreme low-light conditions on subjects with limited visible detail. The EOS 7D Mark II camera also features an enhanced version of Canon’s EOS iTR (Intelligent Tracking and Recognition) AF, originally introduced with the EOS-1D X DSLR camera, enabling the camera to recognize subjects based on face and color detection utilizing the new AE system, and can track subjects using all 65 AF points.

The camera’s improved EOS Scene Detection system features a new 150,000-pixel RGB+IR 252-zone metering sensor for enhanced precision. The wide-area 65-point AF array combined with EOS iTR and adjustable high-speed continuous burst shooting up to 10 fps enables the easy tracking and capturing of fast moving subjects virtually anywhere in the frame such as birds in flight or running backs eluding a tackle. A new and innovative AF Area Selection Lever nestled around the multi-controller on the back of the camera makes it easier than ever for photographers to switch between the seven supplied AF Point Selection modes without removing their eye from the viewfinder.

At 10 fps, the camera’s buffer capacity can consecutively capture up to 31 RAW images or 1,090 Large Fine JPEGsi. Built to last, the camera also features a shutter durability rating up to 200,000 cycles, approximately thirty three percent more than the original EOS 7D camera. A newly developed mirror mechanism uses motorized control to help reduce impact and enhance camera performance during high-speed continuous shooting. In addition to adjustable high- and low-speed continuous shooting modes, single-frame shooting and two self-timer settings, the EOS 7D Mark II camera also features silent drive modes for single frame and continuous shooting. The silent settings support discreet camera operation in quiet locations.

The EOS 7D Mark II camera’s advanced AE system can detect and compensate for flickering light sources such as sodium vapor lamps that are often used in gymnasiums and indoor swimming pools. When enabled, this system automatically adjusts shutter release timing to help reduce disparities in exposure and color especially during continuous shooting.
Innovative AF Technology

The EOS 7D Mark II camera features the next generation of Canon’s exclusive Dual Pixel CMOS AF (DAF) technology, originally introduced with the EOS 70D DSLR camera. New DAF features include user-selectable adjustments for Movie Servo AF Speedii and Movie Servo AF Tracking Sensitivity. Additionally, overall focusing speed, face detection performance, and performance in low light and with low-contrast subjects have been improved over previous Canon models. Dual Pixel CMOS AF employs proprietary Canon sensor technology in which effective pixels are able to perform both imaging and phase-detection focus measurement simultaneously to achieve dramatically improved AF performance in both video and Live View still imaging modes.

With Canon’s Dual Pixel CMOS AF system and customizable Movie Servo AF, the camera provides continuous phase-detection AF during video recording for quick and accurate focus tracking of moving subjects over approximately eighty of the image area measured horizontally and vertically. DAF focusing modes include Face Detection with Tracking, FlexiZone Multi with 31 AF zones, and FlexiZone Single that allows users to position a focusing frame on the camera’s LCD screen. Canon’s DAF supports over 100iii models of Canon EF lenses (including many earlier models), providing a wide array of options for photographers to explore.
Expanding Creativity

The EOS 7D Mark II Digital SLR camera provides a wealth of creative controls building on the features and functions of the EOS 5D Mark III and EOS-1D X professional digital cameras. The new camera’s AI Servo AF III autofocusing algorithm is similar to that of the EOS-1D X camera in that tracking parameters (tracking sensitivity, acceleration/deceleration tracking, and AF point auto switching) can be easily customized for specific shooting situations, using the same type of AF Configuration Menu. This capability makes it easy for EOS 7D Mark II camera users to match AI Servo AF settings when used together with EOS-1D X and EOS 5D Mark III cameras, while also providing a high level of performance at an affordable price point.

The EOS 7D Mark II camera also offers the same level of High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Multiple Exposure (ME) functionality that was originally featured in the EOS 5D Mark III camera. The HDR mode includes five HDR shooting functions and allows users to save all source images in addition to the composited HDR image. Similarly, Multiple Exposure mode provides four compositing methods and also allows users to save individual source images.

Photographers and cinematographers will appreciate improved custom controls including a built-in intervalometer and bulb timer, also EOS DSLR firsts, to enable the capture of time-lapse images and long- exposure images. These features are ideal for recording fireworks, star trails, sunrises and more.

In addition to optional settings for Peripheral Illumination Correction and Chromatic Aberration Correction, found in other current high-end EOS models, the EOS 7D Mark II camera, for the first time, adds Distortion Correction that operates with most EF and EF-S lenses to improve image quality even further while recording video and in-camera JPEGs. The My Menu feature has also been improved with the ability to store more user-selected settings in five additional tabs.

A new and improved Intelligent Viewfinder provides approximately one hundred percent field of view, while adding the ability to superimpose a customizable selection of camera settings data such as dual-mode electronic level display, grid, exposure mode, white balance mode and AF mode. A bright, three-inch Clear View II LCD monitor (approximately 1,040,000 dots) on the back of the camera displays information and menus clearly even in bright sunlight. The EOS 7D Mark II camera is compatible with interchangeable focusing screens including the standard Eh-A as well as the optional Eh-S Super Precision Matte for use during manual focusing with large aperture lenses.

A built-in GPSiv Receiver provides a digital compass and can record location information including longitude, latitude, elevation, camera direction and universal coordinated time (UTC) as EXIF data for geotagging both images and movie files in real time. The built-in pop-up flash is convenient for many applications and can also act as an optical controller with compatible off-camera EX-series Speedlites for enhanced pro-quality lighting effects.

The EOS 7D Mark II camera features dual card slots for SD/SDHC/SDXC and CF memory cards, including Ultra High Speed (UHS-1) SD cards. Data transfer speeds from the camera to a personal computer are enhanced with the addition of a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 port.

Stunning Movie Capability

The EOS 7D Mark II camera offers users the ability to shoot in 1080p Full HD or 720p HD video up to 60p enabling slow-motion capture at full resolution in either ALL-I or IPB codecs with optional embedded time code, exceeding the specifications of other current EOS cameras. Users can also choose between .MOV and .MP4 recording formats for maximum flexibility. The EOS 7D Mark II camera’s mini HDMI port can be used to record uncompressed Full HD video to external recorders.

Canon’s Stepping Motor (STM) lenses, such as the EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM lens, significantly reduce focus motor noise, letting the EOS 7D Mark II camera’s built-in microphone capture clear audio of the scene being shot without picking up unwanted noise from the lens. The EOS 7 D Mark II camera also features a stereo microphone port and outputs stereo audio via the camera’s mini-HDMI port. The EOS 7D Mark II Digital SLR camera is equipped with a headphone jack for real-time audio monitoring, as well as a silent control feature that allows users to adjust audio levels during recordings. Other built-in ports include a PC socket for external flash units and an N3 socket for dedicated Canon wired remote control accessoriesv. A cable protector is provided to maximize safety when using the USB 3.0 and mini-HDMI ports.


The EOS 7D Mark II Digital SLR camera is scheduled to be available through authorized Canon dealers in November 2014 for an estimated retail price of $1,799.00 for the body only and $2,149.00 bundled with an EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM lens. It will utilize a new LP-E6N lithium ion battery pack with increased storage capacity. The LP-E6N is fully compatible with the LC-E6 battery charger, which will be supplied as a standard item in all EOS 7D Mark II body only and zoom lens kits. Also scheduled to be available are the new optional Battery Grip BG-E16 and optional Wireless File Transmitter WFT-E7A Version 2, with shipping dates and estimated retail pricing to be announced at a later date. Both the EOS 7D Mark II camera and Battery Grip BG-E16 are backwards-compatible to the current LP-E6 lithium ion battery pack.

Canon EOS 7D Mark II Features :

Suggested list price - $1,799

20.2 Megapixel CMOS (APS-C) sensor and ISO 100–16000 (expandable to H1: 25600, H2: 51200) for reduced noise at high ISOs and high performance Dual DIGIC 6 Image Processors for outstanding image quality and processing speed.

High speed continuous shooting up to 10.0 fps allows you to capture fast action.

65-point* all cross-type AF system for high-performance, accurate subject tracking with EV -3 sensitivity (center point) for focusing in extreme low-light conditions.

Canon’s innovative Dual Pixel CMOS AF enables you to shoot video like a camcorder with smooth, fast, and accurate autofocus and lets you enjoy instant and precise autofocus even when shooting stills.

Stunning Full HD video with Custom Movie Servo AF (speed and sensitivity) for continuous focus tracking of moving subjects, multiple frame rates including Full HD recording at 60p in MOV and MP4 formats and uncompressed HDMI out.

Intelligent Viewfinder II provides approximately 100% field of view for shooting ease.

Improved custom controls and built-in intervalometer and bulb timer for expanded creativity.

Magnesium alloy body with shutter durability up to 200,000 cycles and enhanced dust and weather resistance.

EOS Scene Detection System features a new 150,000-pixel/RGB+IR metering sensor for improved precision.

Built-in GPS** Receiver provides a digital compass, records location information (longitude, latitude, elevation and universal coordinated time (UTC)) as EXIF information for geotagging images when shooting.

3.0-inch Clear View II LCD monitor (approximately 1,040,000 dots) for bright and clear viewing.

Additional Features

The EOS 7D Mark II has a newly designed 20.2 Megapixel sensor that delivers high-resolution image files with stunning detail and impressive clarity. Optimized for low-light shooting, the EOS 7D Mark II’s sensor captures images at up to ISO 16000 (expandable to H1: 25600, H2: 51200) with remarkably low noise, thanks to its improved, higher sensitivity design. Phenomenal for stills, the EOS 7D Mark II’s sensor is equally up to the task for movies, delivering Full HD capture even at rates of up to 60p.

Dual DIGIC 6 Image Processors

The EOS 7D Mark II’s sensor works seamlessly with its Dual DIGIC 6 Image Processors for advanced image processing across the board. These image processors help the EOS 7D Mark II capture up to 1090 JPEG, 31 RAW, and 19 RAW + JPEG shots in a single burst for amazing action photography. Further, they enable the camera’s powerful image processing on-the-fly: lens aberration, variances in peripheral illumination and image distortion can all be corrected in real time thanks to the EOS 7D Mark II’s Dual DIGIC 6 Image Processors.

High speed continuous shooting up to 10.0 fps allows you to capture fast action

With a new, rugged shutter designed for 200,000 cycles, the EOS 7D Mark II can shoot up to 10 frames per second to capture all the action. With super quick AF and exposure systems complementing the shutter’s 55 msec shutter release time lag, the EOS 7D Mark II is tailored to meet and even exceed the speed of the action. Refined mechanics like a newly designed, more efficient shutter-drive motor and a vibration dampened mirror drive mean impressive performance for high caliber image quality, fast.

Sophisticated Mirror Control System

The EOS 7D Mark II camera employs an advanced mirror vibration control technology that enables the camera to support its speedy, continuous shooting capabilities while ensuring great image quality. The system uses a motor to help reduce the vibrations caused by high-speed shooting. By reducing the vibrations, the camera can achieve accurate and precise autofocus to provide steady and clear action shots at up to 10.0 frames per second.

65-point* all cross-type AF system for high-performance, accurate subject tracking with EV -3 sensitivity (center point) for focusing in extreme low-light conditions
An EOS first, the EOS 7D Mark II features 65 all cross-type AF points* for high precision AF at remarkable speed. Cross-type AF points ensure stable AF that is not influenced by the subject’s shape or color. On the EOS 7D Mark II, the AF points are spread over a wide area of the frame, enabling faster AF, wherever the subject lies. With a central dual cross-type AF point of f/2.8, AF is enhanced with lenses faster than f/2.8. And thanks to this new system, AF is possible even in dim lighting as low as EV-3.

Canon’s innovative Dual Pixel CMOS AF enables you to shoot video like a camcorder with smooth, fast, and accurate autofocus and lets you enjoy instant and precise autofocus even when shooting stills

The EOS 7D Mark II features Canon’s revolutionary Dual Pixel CMOS AF, a milestone in AF speed and accuracy that unlocks the potential of Live View shooting. This advanced technology has truly changed what is possible with a DSLR camera. Dual Pixel CMOS AF involves a sophisticated rethinking of the CMOS sensor. Traditionally, image sensors have one photodiode per pixel for recording, but the CMOS sensor on the EOS 7D Mark II has two photodiodes per pixel, 40 million in total, enabling each pixel on the sensor to both perform phase-difference detection autofocus and capture light. With phase-difference detection AF, autofocus is achieved quickly and easily on the camera. This unique AF system enables autofocus on approximately 80% of the image plane, vertically and horizontally, and helps ensure virtually no loss in image quality.

Stunning Full HD video with custom Movie Servo AF (speed and sensitivity) for continuous focus tracking of moving subjects, multiple frame rates including Full HD recording at 60p in MOV and MP4 formats and uncompressed HDMI out

While offering performance improvements across the board for still photography, the EOS 7D Mark II is also an incredibly capable HD movie camera. Taking advantage of its Dual Pixel CMOS AF capabilities, the EOS 7D Mark II has customizable Movie Servo AF options: not only can AF location be defined, AF speed and tracking intervals can be specified too, for fluid, smooth focus transitions. The EOS 7D Mark II delivers refined and detailed image quality with Full HD 60P recording at ISO values up to 16000, has an HDMI output and records to both SD and CF cards for versatility and security during important shoots.

Intelligent Viewfinder II provides approximately 100% field of view for shooting ease

The EOS 7D Mark II’s Intelligent Viewfinder II makes it easy to both shoot, change and confirm camera settings and shooting modes all without looking away from the viewfinder. Displaying approximately 100% of the composition, the viewfinder can show settings like shooting mode, exposure level, white balance, drive mode, AF operation, metering mode, recording format, even an electronic level and more. All of this information can be displayed by or superimposed easily over the image for review while shooting, and multiple views are customizable through the EOS 7D Mark II’s simple user interface.

Improved custom controls and built-in intervalometer and bulb timer for expanded creativity
An EOS first, the EOS 7D Mark II offers time-lapse fixed-point shooting and long exposures without the need for a remote control. The EOS 7D Mark II’s interval timer takes from 1 to 99 shots at preselected intervals, ideal for shooting flowers as they bloom or clouds drifting through the sky. Its built-in bulb timer keeps the shutter open for a designated amount of time, perfect for night photography, or to capture the flow of traffic on a street corner.

Magnesium alloy body with shutter durability up to 200,000 cycles and enhanced dust and weather resistance

The EOS 7D Mark II is constructed of the highest quality materials, and to exacting standards that ensure unfettered performance at all times. For example, the shutter can shoot at speeds up to 1/8000 sec. for up to 200,000 cycles, the chassis is built of lightweight and rigid magnesium, and the camera’s seals are built to resist water and dust. This combination makes the EOS 7D Mark II ready for almost anything.

EOS Scene Detection System features a new 150,000-pixel RGB+IR Metering Sensor for improved precision

The EOS 7D Mark II has an amazing iSA Intelligent Subject Analysis system that employs an independent RGB light sensor with approximately 150,000-pixel resolution. This sensor enables Canon’s intelligent Tracking and Recognition system (iTR AF) that detects and tracks subjects, automatically switching the AF point to optimize tracking. With new tracking algorithms tailored to recognize faces and colors, this system serves as a brilliant foundation to the EOS 7D Mark II’s AF system.

Anti-flicker shooting

The EOS 7D Mark II features a new flicker detection system that not only alerts the user in the viewfinder, but with the camera’s Anti-Flicker Shooting function can compensate for flickering light sources, taking shots only at peak light volume. This feature is useful for minimizing disparities in color and exposure, especially during continuous shooting in sub-optimal lighting situations.

You can place your pre-order at your favorite camera stores now. I will not be posting links to any stores since I am completely unbiased and do not accept commission from any company.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Images Of Canon EOS-7D Mk II Camera

The Canon EOS-7D Mk II camera has been announced.

Canon EOS-7D Mk II camera front view

Canon EOS-7D Mk II camera back view

Canon EOS-7D Mk II camera top view

Confirmed EOS-7D Mk II camera specs :

  • 20 MP APS-C CMOS Sensor 
  • Advanced Dual Pixel CMOS AF technology
  • Dual DIGIC 6 processors
  • 10 fps 
  • Dual Memory Card Slots ( One CF and one SD )
  • 65 AF points, all cross type
  • EOS iTR Autofocus
  • AF down to f/8 with center point
  • 3.2″ LCD monitor with no touch screen capability
  • 100% coverage viewfinder. Magnification 1.15
  • Magnesium alloy body with dust and weather resistance
  • Built-in GPS
  • Built-in Intervalometer
  • Built-in flash
  • Mic and headphone connectors
  • ISO 100 - 16000 
  • 1080p / 720p at 60 fps
  • New battery ( LP-E6N ) , new charger ( LC-E6N ) , new grip ( BG-E16 )
  • Available with EF 18-135mm and EF 15-85mm lens kit
  • Shipping date - late October to early November