Thursday, December 10, 2015

Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L Mark II Lens TearDown

Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L II lens

The guys at had taken apart the recently announced Canon EF 35mm f/1.4L II lens. They are most impressed by its build quality. Take a look at a review of the lens here. The same guys have also taken apart the Canon EOS-5Ds camera for an inspection. Take a look at this post.

Read the full article here. Below is an excerpt from their review :

    …This lens is massively over-engineered compared to any other prime we’ve ever disassembled. It’s built like a tank where it counts; on the inside. Moving parts are huge and robust. Six big screws are used in locations where 3 smalls screws are common in other lenses. Heavy roller bearings move the focusing group, it doesn’t slide on little nylon collars.

    …If I had to summarize the mechanical design of this lens, I would say simply that no expense was spared, no corner was cut.

    Sometimes things are expensive because they’re worth it. Sometimes they’re heavy because they’re so solidly constructed. This is one of those times. 

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