Friday, December 11, 2015

Your First DSLR Camera - Expectation vs Reality

This time of the year, as you are contemplating on Christmas presents to give others or yourself, your thoughts may turn to your first DSLR camera. Perhaps you or someone on your list may be upgrading from a point-n-shoot or smartphone camera and want to get more serious into photography.

My readers know I have been a wildlife photographer using Canon equipment for 25 years. My fascination with world travel, nature and wildlife photography started from a young age. Minolta was my first SLR camera and eventually I ended up with the Canon EOS-10 and EOS-1 SLR cameras. When the digital D30 came out in 2000, I agonized over the high price but bought one in the end. It opened my eyes to the possibilities of digital photography. To me, photographing wildlife can be very frustrating sometimes. Huge expenses, long days of traveling and waiting come down to a few crucial shots. The instant feedback of the DSLR improves the odds. 

No advertisement or commission from equipment manufacturers and sellers are accepted on my website and blog. My observations and recommendation come from years of field experience. You can see my equipment bag and works on A combination of the above gear will go with me on my photo shoots, depending on need. Occasionally, I will get a loaner from Canon for evaluation but I always own the equipment that are essential to my work and I have access to other equipment when needed. Take a look at my post for the best Canon DSLR and PowerShot cameras.

The video below from DigitalRev offers a bit of levity to those shopping for their first DSLR camera.

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